Worry free childcare
My daughter has been with Pam for the past 20 months and it has been the best decision we have made with regard to her welfare when we are at work. I started off with her at a nursery which lasted all of 2 weeks due my dissatisfaction in the environment and general care being provided to my daughter. As I was a relatively new mum, my daughters welfare was paramount to me enabling me to feel I could concentrate at work, secure in the knowledge that my daughter was safe, warm, loved and having her development enhanced whilst she was away from me.
After the rocky start with the nursery, I was even more apprehensive regarding leaving her with anyone else.
Pam put our minds at rest from the beginning and invited us to her home, enabling us to meet her, her family and ask questions. Eve looks forward to going to Pam's home to be with her and her other friends that she has met through going there. Eve will often as where Pam is if she's not with her!
Eve has a comprehensive learning journey document that truly reflects how she has developed and how she plans to continue developing her in line with the curriculum.
Pam provides a homely welcoming environment for her minded children to play & learn in. I feel that we are also part of Pam's family and have formed relationships with all of them.
Eve has been on trips out, snacks and lunches out with her friends and enjoys walking with them, being taught how to be safe when out and about.
Pam's values also reflect that of our own as Eve's parents....manners, being kind and respectful are all traits in children which are important and encouraged and instilled throughout every interaction.
As a first time parent, I have sought a lot of advice and support from Pam and this has enabled us to make informed decisions regarding our daughters welfare, with the support from a highly experienced parent and registered child minder.
I would highly recommend Pam to care for any child.