One in a billion!
Sharon has looked after both my daughters, Gabriella (7) since she was 2 and Evelyn (3) since birth. Due to a change in career and my working pattern, I no longer require childcare, and my girls will have their last day with Sharon in at the end of the month.
As the title says- she really is one in a billion. Over the 5 years she has been working with us, she has become a part of our family and both my girls are so gutted to leave. We will however stay in touch, visit regularly and even join them on days out in the holidays!
Sharon is one of very few people who I trust completely with my children. I know that they are always safe and well cared for with her, and I know that she will make sure they have fun filled days, whilst ensuring that they learn not just about their ABC’s and 123’s, but also about how to grow up into good people. I am always complemented on how polite and clever our girls are, and I know that they wouldn’t be half the little ladies they are without Sharon in their lives.
As you can see from my previous review and what other parents have said, Sharon does so many different things with the children that they wouldn't get chance to do at a nursery setting or with most other childminders. I feel so privileged to have had Sharon look after my girls and they have gained so much from her influence on their lives
Sharon has supported our family through many difficult times and I know that if ever we needed anything, whether or not it is childcare related, she will be there to listen and help in anyway she can. She is really approachable and I feel like I can talk to her about anything. She has become so much more than a childminder to us and even more than just a friend!
Sharon- we are all going to miss you so much, but our loss is another families gain and you'll probably see just as much of us anyway! We love you millions xxx