Elina's Reviews


Below are the reviews that Elina has written.

I would recommend Jo as a great and reliable childminder. Jo has been childminding my son since he was 11 months old. He was a very clingy baby so I was initially worried to leave him with a childminder, but Jo is very loving and her environment is like being at home so the settling in went very smoothly. He was soon happy to be left with her and now that he is nearly 2 and more expressive it is great to see him get excited with the mention of Jo!

I have been extremely happy with the care he receives. She takes him to playgroups and soft play and she lets me know every day what he has eaten, what his activities were and how long he has slept. In addition to the great care, Jo also came to the rescue many times for me when I had needed additional care for my daughter, had to change my son's days and by being extremely helpful with our pick ups and drop offs. Thank you Jo!

  • 5 stars Overall
  • 5 stars Setting
  • 5 stars Cleanliness
  • 5 stars Food
  • 5 stars Communication

by Avatar for Elina Elina about Avatar for Jo P Jo P on 07/12/2018