Avatar for Sarah Mair

Sarah Mair
Stepps, Glasgow

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5 stars

An excellent service!


I have been using Sarahs service since June 2012. IMy son was almost 7 months old when i returned to work, and I think Sarah made this easier for me. I felt comfortable leaving him with her and have never worried about him while he is in her care. I find Sarah quite a relaxed easy going person who respects my wishes while making suggestions that have helped me manage better and support my sons development. Sarah has done various activities with my son including; baking; child led artwork using my sons handprints etc; outings to parks, local groups and soft play and generally playing and interacting with other children.
One of the best things about the service for me is Sarah's flexibility. She is available from 7am until 7pm and as I have to work some hours outwith 9 to 5 and I make the most of this. Sarah has made my later finishes easier by giving my son his dinner. This is normally home made which is great as Sarah is a qualified chef and makes lovely meat stews etc, which being a vegetarian myself is a great help as i dont cook meat at home but dont want my son to be vegetarian either.
Sarahs family are very warm and friendly. Her husband and elder daughter are also registered niw so they can step in in an emergency which seems very sensible, and Sarah being a childminder seems to suit this family well.
I hope this review is helpful to others looking for childcare as I know it can be difficult to decide what to do, but this option has worked well for us and I recommend it highly.