My son has been with Di for nearly two years. Its with great regret that we are saying goodbye to her. My son absolutely adores Di and he never wants to leave at the end of day. Liam has grown and learnt so much in the two years he's been with Di. He's literally just one of the family. There isn't a day when they are not doing something. Liam is always coming home with different pieces of artwork that he has done proudly. I get pictures daily sent to me of things that Liam has been up to.
Not only is she amazing with my son but with me also. When I've struggled with transport to hers, she's dropped Liam off at mine. She is really understanding when I'm running late. I'm absolutely devastated to have to say goodbye to her. If I could move her with me then I would.
Response from Diana
Thank you, he will be sadly missed xxxx hopefully you guys will settle quickly in your new place xxx