MRS KIRI is a fake dream
I had my child here with student finance help for a while and without finance help also, MRS Kiri was called, emailed and all stuff by the student finance team. to confirm the payments for the year 18/19 but she did not management to get back to them with an answer for in 2 months. My baby did not attend from march the nursery because he got. COVID 19 from there, but the manager of the nursery, KIRI, was not so kind to inform me that they had at that moment 2 other kids and one teacher self isolating, suspects of the virus. Instead of informing me at the right moment she was calling me for pushing me to send the baby anyway, 5 days in a row, and after she called me to ask me why i am not bringing my son in because his father was an essential worker and i am obligated to take my son to her nursery.
So, my advice is not trust the appearance of this angel at the first sight! Is just fake.