Overall experience with excellent childminders
If I could rate more than 5 stars then I would. Being a single working mum knowing I had to find childcare for my 6 month old son to be able to go back to work made me feel very anxious. I had family support but didn’t feel it was fair to put all the childcare on them. My mum herself as Dexter as grandmother, was upset at my finding childcare she didn’t feel he would get the same treatment as if being cared for by herself. (She later admitted she was wrong once seen Vikki and dexter together) when I looked on childcare website Vikki face was the first that popped up when looking at her profile and picture I instantly took a liking to her seeing her friendly face. And that she was local to our home and my place of work so would suit us perfectly. When we went to the house for the first time we met Vikki Steve and Her lovely sons Brooke and Thomas. The warm welcome was instant an seeing the space amount of different toys they have for the children and lovely big garden I new dexter would be happy there. On his first visit I was nervous as to be expected. When I collect dexter he came out happy an content. This settled my nerves as could see he had a great time. By Dexter’s second week with Vikki he was actually crying when I was picking him up as he didn’t want to leave. This actually upset me at first but in reality it made me feel happy that dexter was so happy he didn’t want to leave, this clearly showing me that he was having a great time with vikki. From that moment on I didn’t worry about him at all as I new he was happy and in safe hands with Vikki. Making my days at work easier not being on edge worrying is he ok? Is he happy, Am I a bad mum because I have to work. He was more than happy and Being treated just as he would be at home (spoilt and kept busy with activities) I loved this as we are a active family so I loved that they were always out an about at park or soft play, also day trips further afield in school holidays. Also fed health fresh food and delicious deserts 😋. As a signal mum there have been many times when I have been a little late home from work or needed childcare last minute and Vikki has always adapted to fit dexter in when she can. If she can help in anyone then she will, that has always ment a lot to me being able to reply on her at drop of a hat if she had space and could help. It was only that we moved area that dexter has now left Vikki’s childcare. Myself an Dexter’s dad can not thank Vikki, Steve and the boys enough for the support and love they have shown our son over the last 3 and half years. He has come on leaps an bounds and I know for a fact that has been to do it with Vikki as well. The children are always playing games an doing tasks that builds there confidence and knowledge as well as free play letting them be children!! I would highly recommend these childminder you will not be disappointed in the love, care and support provided to your children from them. Missed very much