Highly Recommended
My daughter who is now 4 years old has been with Deepika since 1.5 years of age. My daughter LOVES her. Whenever I drop my daughter off to Deepika my daughter is smiling, laughing and hugging Deepika. Before going to sleep my daughter always asks if the next day we will go to Deepika’s house. That is how much my daughter is attachted to Deepika. Talking about my daughter’s development, Deepika plays a massive part in it. My daughter has learnt not only to be polite saying words like ‘pardon me’, ‘no, thank you’, ‘yes, please’ but also she constantly learns letters and numbers. My daughter can spell her full name as well as write it. Additionally, she learnt almost all of the alphabet and can count.
At Deepika’s the kids are always learning new nursery rhymes. Doing all sorts of crafting for various celebrations which my daughter really enjoys. Deepika and kids spend a lot of time outside. They go to the farm, parks, playground and other places always exploring new things. Moreover, Deepika always encourages my daughter to be as independant as possible doing such things like putting on clothes, going to the toilet, tyding up etc. Although Deepika is a loving childminder, she can be firm too if needed. If kids are misbehaving she will tell them that they should not behave like that and they would listen to her.
Therefore, for anyone who is looking for childminder, Deepika is the best and that is exactly why my daughter is still with her.