A home from home
Our little girl started with Suzan at 1 year old. She settled so quickly and it was comforting handing her over to another family when she was so young. Our daughter is so happy there now that in the mornings, she waves us goodbye and totters down the road (with us following of course) and rings the doorbell herself. In the ‘normal’ days, Suzan would take the babies out almost every day to different classes or parks or days out. Their house also has a room full of toys and a lovely sociable eating space for them. The garden is huge and beautiful with lots of wildlife for the kids to see in the summer. But it is in these COVID times that Suzan has been stand out - she has done everything possible to keep going. She has been flexible, creative and understanding. It must be so hard for her with all of the usual activities closing down but she has found things to do to keep them happy regardless and our daughter still enjoys each and every day she spends there. Our first daughter went to a lovely nursery which she enjoyed but I feel like Suzan’s has been so much easier for my second baby in terms of her settling and transitioning.