Excellent in every way
Rudgwick pre school has been beyond brilliant! My two children (4 and 3) have been here whilst we're in-between a mega life change, moving from London to Argentina - via Rudgwick. They've both been really unsettled as their dad has moved ahead of us. The staff helped them settle immediately - they were rarely happy going into our nursery in London whereas here, they have both walked in without looking back from day one. We have only had one teary episode. They run out and the youngest shouts 'I am so happy, I love it!'
I think the pre-school has an excellent routine at drop off. It is the same every day & the children to walk in themselves. They set up different activity tables each day so there is painting, train sets, cars, puzzles, tea parties etc etc - sometimes with different themes such as 'The Tiger who Came to Tea'.
There is also lots of outdoor play - one day they came back raving about making a bonfire & drinking hot chocolate. They also get gymnastics equipment out which my children have loved.
Special thanks from our kids to Mrs Bicknell, Mrs Brown, Mr Chris and Mrs Miles. They think you're fab (as do I!)