She knows what she needs to do for babysitting
Ingrid babysitted our 2 and half years old son while I was in the labour ward for the second children. She only saw our son with us for 3hours the day before my due date. But she looked after our son without any troubles and our son was really happy to spend time with her.
Based on her profiles on this website she has excellent experiences and knowledge. But she knows that each family is different and respect for our procedure. Therdoefore, whenever she faces something without our instructions she contacted us in order to make sure what we want her to do.
She also constantly updated our son's photos to us during her babysitting periods. So we could see how our son spent time with her.
Additionally our second baby was delay to arrive and we needed to ask her to extend her babysitting time. However, she was pretty flexible and accepted our requirement without any complaint.
We just asked her to babysit our son only a special occations in this time. We are really happy to choose her again if we need a babysitter for future.