Would not recoomend this child care provider
My daughter used to attend this day care for after school club. I found some of the staff friendly. Chloe would be the after school care assistant who came across polite. My daughter had severe scratches and bruises in the same week when being left in the care of Chloe. She apparently had fallen off a plastic slide, which looked robust. If the toy collapsed by another child running into it, should it have even been used?
I don't feel my daughter was safe there and maybe it was an isolated incident but Chloe did not come across friendly towards my daughter.
Would not trust the staff here. Manager's mum is lovely though and cooks great food, but would not trust the child carers with my daughter again.
Response from AmyM
I take all complaints very seriously as I am very passionate about the care we provide, I have looked into your comments and tried to contact you to discuss them but as you have not attended the nursery for some time we don't seem to have the correct contact details. Please feel free to contact me direct to discuss the matter.
The incident in question was an isolated accident. After every accident we do a thorough risk assessment and act accordingly. The slide is aimed at smaller children but as we couldn't keep the older children from going on the slide we thought best to remove it altogether. This particular accident has never happened before so usually we put steps in place to reduce the risk however on this occasion we eliminated the risk altogether.
As for the Staff member in question I usually wouldn't mention any names due to data protection but this occasion I feel its a must Chloe was at the time our Baby Room Leader and has never worked with the after school children, you seem to have her mixed up with the staff member in question and I feel very unfair to tarnish her reputation.
The Room leader of the after school club at the time was sometimes very shy I believe your child had another minor incident the same week and the staff member left that day extremely upset after the way you had made her feel. once the next minor incident had happened she asked a manager to tell you as she was very intimidated by you and worried about your response. This may have come across as rude at the time and she was very upset by this.
Im deeply saddened that this is the way you have seen us, yet you have never approached me to discuss it direct and she continued to attend our setting for some time after.
I hope we can speak to you to clear this matter up. I wish you both all the best and she is very missed by all the staff and children.
Thank you