A wonderful setting for my son
My son was looked after by Esther for 2 and a half years (2019-2021), and he always had the best time! Esther had him three days a week, and he would look forward to going, so I always felt he was safe, well-looked after and loved. He is now a happy, sociable 4 year old who has loved his year in a nursery setting. As someone who works with children myself, I know that his early childcare experience with Esther have allowed him to feel safe and confident about transitioning to a nursery setting in September 2021. He still speaks about his time with Esther and her lovely family, and he gets excited when he sees her now. I especially valued that Esther saw him as a little individual with his own needs, likes and dislikes, and respected these. I am grateful that we found Esther and that my son has lots of happy first memories being with her, and as a new parent at the time, that was so important to us. I highly recommend Esther!