Our nanny share
Holly has so much energy and is really great at getting the kids out in all weathers, organising activities and networking with other nannies in the area to provide exciting days and lots of play and socialisation. I miss the little one but I know she really doesn’t miss me! The lovely photos Holly sends throughout the day confirm to me I’ve made the best choice.
Our daughter, now 18 months, has really flourished in our nanny share and we are so sad to be saying goodbye to her little partner in crime as he goes off to nursery. Our hours with Holly are 08.30-5.00, while she has been working 08.00-7.00 with the other family.
I’m really happy to chat about our experience of the nanny share and our approach as you’re not just getting Holly, you’re getting us too to some extent!
We live in a quiet area of Blackheath, very close to the heath, with a large garden that is great for exploring. We have a spare bedroom next to the nursery that can be used for the other child in order to accommodate a different sleep routine if needed.
Annual planning on holidays is really the only restriction we’ve felt. The advantages of having your little one under super bespoke care, in a home environment and out in the world with their friends, more than compensates.
Looking for a new family from September but we are willing to wait for the right match :-) Our daughter will be going to nursery in September 23 so we’re looking at a year’s arrangement ideally.
All the best!