God’s Special Gift
Wow where do I begin, I couldn’t have asked for a more special woman to take care of my children. Shukrah has been such a big blessing in myself and my children’s lives. We joined her this year and I have seen a massive development especially with my two year old prince he has become such a character its amazing, he’s become soo vocal it brings tears of joy to me seeing his development. I can happily be at work and know that my children are well taken care of and not having to think if my children are okay. She has been great in soo many ways I can’t even explain because if I do I’ll end up writing a whole novel. But honestly Mrs Shukrah has been such a great mother to my children whilst I’m away and I thank God daily that she was brought into our lives. The setting is beautiful, the meals she creates, the outings they go and she’s very vibrant and engages soo well with all the children of all age groups which is very positive. Mrs Shukrah I cannot thank you enough and we appreciate you dearly.