The BEST childminder for my little girl ❤️
Where do I start!? Rachel is the most loveliest, caring and genuine childminders out there. And I don’t say that lightly! Previous to finding Rachel, my little girl really struggled at nurseries as she found them too overwhelming and found it really difficult to bond with carers. She has Global Development delay and really struggles with communication. But since being with Rachel, the difference in her is amazing. Millie is now saying little words, starting to interact with other children, and is really coming out of herself. And that’s because she’s in an environment with a carer who genuinely wants the best for your child. There is nobody else I could trust with Millie because Rachel has exceeded my expectations and is giving her the best love, care and support I could ever wish for. And that’s all I ever want. Millie literally runs into the house so happy and doesn’t want to leave so that says something!! Thank you Rach, we’re so lucky to have you xx