Worst nursery I have ever dealt with
I had the mis fortune of believing the ‘good’ reviews for this nursery and decided to send my son there in September. It was absolute chaos at the start like they had no idea what they were doing. Offering start dates that they could not even commit to and causing me to mess my employer around. I work for the police so that’s not a job you just turn up to when you can. Neither myself or my husband was ever shown around the facility but I was changing department and thought if it has good reviews my son will be ok. When my son started he was 1 year and 11 months so I was told when we returned from holiday (1 month after joining) that he would be transitioned to the toddler room. Funnily enough we returned from holiday in November and when he returned he was put back in the baby room and after several complaints I was told they didn’t even have a toddler room. They then said he had to be weened off the dummy to move to preschool! How many 2 year olds are weened off a dummy? All they have at this ‘nursery’ is a baby room and pre school. My son absolutely hated the time he was there and cried his eyes out as soon as he saw the building. The staff obviously want to put the blame on me but I have 2 other children who managed to settle into nursery after 2 weeks. Children are very good judges of character and I should have picked up on this.
In the short time my son was at this nursery he managed to contract hand, foot and mouth disease which the brilliant staff didn’t even notice, he also picked up a chesty cough every time he went there which is normal for children of that age, however the final straw for me was when they refused my son access to nursery causing me to lose a day pay because he was not fit to be there yet still every time he went there he got sick. So they basically take your hard earned money to not look after your children.
Another problem with that nursery is the staff are liars, I sent my son with a full pack of wipes and disposable nappy bags. He was there for one day. Like always they search the bag and take everything out and decided to keep my wipes and my nappy bags to use on other children as the next time my son was due in they had the cheek to message me stating there was no wipes in his bag. And why would they use disposable nappy bags? Should they not have a disposal system in place?
I decided before Christmas that this nursery was not fit for purpose and I am finally rid of them. I contacted them today to ask for my son’s belongings which were left there to be packed up so I can collect them, and just like with the wipes and bags they have miraculously grown legs and disappeared. No apologies, no truth, just check your son’s bag.
If you want your child to go to a horrible poorly run establishment then by all means send them here.