So Disappointed
Met Jackie for a interview, at my home we got in well she was here for a few hours. I then booked her in a few days later to work with the children. She got stuck right in, no concerns, the children liked her and she seemed to enjoy being here.
She was welcomed into the home built a relationship up with the children, she appeared so genuine, the next day Jackie stopped returning my calls and texts, I sent a text saying I was worried having not heard from her for a few days and that I would pop around to her house to check she was ok, I had no intentions of doing this but wanted to see if she would be worried knowing she’s disappeared on myself and children and would make contact. Surprise, I then heard from Jackies cousin saying her phone screen had cracked and that she would be in touch in a few days!
Jackie has ignored all calls and text, has allowed my children to build a relationship with her, and dropped us all at a drop of a hat.
So, so disappointed she was very welcomed into our home and I allowed her to take charge with the children and entertain whilst I worked..
Please can people remember we are dealing with children here on this platform in my case 3 young children who are still asking for Jackie its so unfair, I am very disappointed Jackie a courtesy text would of been all it would of taken. Respect goes a long way.
Response from Jackie
Hello, this does not sound like an excuse but I babysitter for you for 2 weeks and decided to not continued because of the rate and the time, you messaged me 25 times in a WEEK and did not stop calling me, please if someone decides to not serve you anymore they have that choice. Thank you 😊❤️