Spot on and punctual tutor.
We have had this tutor for 4 years and we first had Miss Allison for my elder son. In two months she improved my son's handwriting , then she helps my son in all the areas in English and Maths. Such as answering comprehension questions fully and difficult areas in maths. Miss Allison makes sure whoever she teaches that whenever a student gets a question wrong she makes sure that the student understands the question , by going through it thoroughly and explaining the question step by step. If you request any sort of topic on Maths and English , Miss Allison gives it at the next lesson. I think this exceptional . After putting my second child in , his scores on his report started going up . Then he fixed his handwriting and started doing comprehension , addition and spelling only at the age of 5 years old. I strongly recommend her Platinum service so think twice before hiring a different tutor.
Response from Gallison
Thank you so much for your positive review.
It's a pleasure working with your children.
Credit for their progress is also due to their great attitude to learning and hard work!