Avatar for Elisha R

Elisha R

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1 stars

Nanny work 2hrs


I normally do not write negative reviews, but for 2hrs paid work became a disaster. Elisha was booked for 2hrs 6am - 8am. Was a very simple run to get dressed, breakfast and take to school. I was at home for the first hour and prior to it I had been texting Elisha and with calls for several days/ weeks. It seemed as if Elisha paid no attention to clear instructions.I picked up my son from school to find out he was dressed for school in the incorrect uniform, no school tie even though I had got everything ready for her and pointed out where they were. My son had odd socks, no school coat. I came home to all the lights were on, his room was in a mess teddies everywhere and his tooth brush was in the kitchen sink. When I asked Elisha via text what she had been doing, she said she was in a rush and apologised that if she works again with me, this won’t happen. It’s unfortunate I have to leave a negative review, but the job wasn’t conducted properly and she neglected the fact my son had to be dressed appropriately for school in his full school uniform. Elisha was paid in full, which I was a bit reluctant as I saw on her profile, she charged me more than what she was advertising which isn’t good practice. As someone who regularly hires nannies UK and worldwide, I just can comprehend how 2 hrs of work can go so bad. Elisha seems nice but she can not retain information and I do not want to micromanage anybody.