1 1/2 years on....... :-)
I took Riley to Nicola when I went back to work in July 2012....my first child and I was petrified leaving him with someone else. We had an intro visit (me and my hubby and Riley) and she reassured me I could call whenever I wanted, to put my mind at rest!!
After a few weeks, rather than tears when I dropped him off, there were tears when I collected him to take him home :-)
Riley LOVES it at Nicola's home, she is welcoming and mumsy to all 'her kids' !!! and her assistant Shannan is also great with them, very involved i.e. they make pizzas for dinner, scary masks for Halloween etc, which my boy loves!
Nicola is the ONLY flexible childminder I know of (and through friends with young children I have heard about many different ones) - we actually moved house in March this year but returned to Nicola's as the Nursery was a nightmare and Riley missed 'ni-la-la'!! (despite the 20 minute car journey each way!!) If we're late it's not a problem, and we can change days at short notice if we need to - she understands the juggle that parenting can be and makes my life so much easier. Her 2 children and husband are all fantastic with the children and they all put a smile on my son's face.
I get updates on what my little man has been up to each day on a secure website to which I have my own login. I know if he's napped and what he's eaten and what they've been up to, it's lovely. He's off to see Santa with them in a few weeks....lucky boy!!
I would highly recommend Nicola Walker (et al!!) to anyone looking for a childminder in Cambridge.