Calm and considerate
Both my boys were fortunate enough to get a space in Jass' setting, my older son attended until he started funded preschool and his brother for a little while longer until I no longer worked. The atmosphere is calm which really help my oldest son to settle and significantly improved his own often highly emotional and strong willed behaviour. The proof of this was noticeable both in that after a day with Jass and Mani both the boys would come home and play nicely with each other (not something boys of 1 and 3 seem to do naturally)! My younger son really took to Mani as well and I was delighted that had such a wonderful role model and male figure especially as at the time their Daddy was abroad leaving them without a father figure. I loved the daily diaries when I collected the boys we used to sit I the car and I would read them what had been written about their day while they had their snack. It really helped to interact with No2 son who obviously couldn't tell me about his day himself. I have recommended Jass4fun to several friends and would have no hesitation in doing so again.