vicky has cared for my 3 children
Vicky has been watching my 3 children for nearly a year. My children (rogue 6, xavier 4, tarquin 3) love going to vicky's .
My youngest son is going through special needs assessments at the moment and i was very worried about leaving him with anyone. Vicky has done wonders with my son he is now talking in full sentences and hitting some mile stones i thought he never might reach she truly is amazing and i would recommend her too any parent even those who have children with special needs.
My children love spending time at Vicky's . They love the interaction with other children and the activities that Vicky arranges they also love the 3 well behaved child friendly dogs she has. I know a lot of parents would be put off by this but these dogs are part of the family and my children love them to bits. Vicky does have an area were the dogs can be sectioned off if she feels the children are being over stimulated or the poor dogs need a rest from the children.
I don't know what i would do without vicky in my life she is a friendly loving lady who always has time too talk if needed and takes wonderful care of my 3 children i cant stress enough how great she is and how much time and effort she put into my children. If you are looking for someone reliable,friendly,easy too talk too and fantastic with children of any age/ ability then she is worth meeting.
I am more than happy too answer anyones question's they may have
Thank you.