Brilliant experiences
My daughter has attended Jacqui's for almost two years and loves it. She goes three days a week to Jacqui and two days to nursery (as Jacqui doesn't offer Fridays). My daughter (now age 3) much prefers Jacqui's to nursery. She really enjoys herself and often really doesn't want to leave. Jacqui is very caring and looks after the kids well. She has brilliant resources and takes them out most days on walks, to the park or to other local activities such as soft play, the zoo or farms. She has taken them to special events like the fire station and an animal handling experience at a local school. She is always finding fun things for them to do. Jacqui was very helpful in potty training my daughter (something the nursery struggled with due to a larger number of kids to look after I suspect). Jacqui does the learning developmental checks too and will ensure my little one is on track with things such as counting and colour recognition - she gave me the relevant development check forms to share with the health visitor when she had her reviews.
My main concern with having a childminder over full-time nursery was that she could be off sick leaving me with no childcare but in two years I can't remember one day where Jacqui was sick or cancelled so she is very reliable. My daughter also eats well at Jacqui's but doesn't like nursery food.
I also think it's important to comment on the only negative review left here by a parent of a boy who my daughter has enjoyed playing with at Jacqui's for well over a year - although I can't refute her words as they are hers to write, the experience in the one negative review is absolutely NOT what I have found and some of it I just don't see how it is even possible.
I trust her with the most important person in the world to me and I would really recommend Jacqui's - I have, my close friend now brings her son to Jacquie's too and my best friend's daughter is on the waiting list!