Linda's childminding
Our daughter Elspbeth has been cared for by Linda for a year and a half, initially for two days then three days a week, since she was nine months old. Linda, supported full-time by Connie, has gone to great lengths to make her feel welcome, secure and safe, and to ensure her needs are met. As a result, Elspbeth settled into Linda's care very quickly, and now often talks about her friends at Linda's house. Over the time she has spent at Linda's, we have appreciated Linda's warm and caring nature, alongside a reassuring level-headedness and willingness to listen to our wishes.
Linda's home is ideally suited to childcare: it is safe and clean, she has a wide range of toys, games and activities, and the child-friendly garden and location close to local amenities make for plenty of opportunities for rich, creative, stimulating and varied play. Elspbeth often comes home with a new creative project in her bag. Linda provides healthy snacks for all the children and helps Elspbeth at meal times. Additionally, in the first few months, Linda patiently supported Elspbeth's weaning, assisting her in overcoming some swallowing problems, for which we were extremely grateful.
Linda takes care to report back to us on the milestones, no matter how small, that Elspbeth achieves, and how these relate to the Early Years Foundation Stage framework. This is done verbally each day, and in writing each week, accompanied by a photograph. We have found this very reassuring, and we are confident that Linda Elspbeth's development has been well supported.
Linda currently cares for a relatively wide age range of children, of whom Elspbeth is the second youngest, but they still manage to make sure Elspbeth's specific needs are met. They manage to find time dedicated to Elspbeth but also carefully plan activities for the whole group that Elspbeth can participate in, enjoy, and that are appropriate for her developmental and emotional priorities. Linda has also taken the children to play groups, to ensure that they also learn to socialise in bigger groups of children, and has adapted her routines with Elspbeth to ensure a more seamless transition for Elspbeth into pre-school.
We have only positive things to say about the level of care Elspbeth receives at Linda’s, and would not hesitate to recommend Linda to any parent considering her as childminder for their children.