Baby niamh
My daughter niamh is 7 months old and soon to be one of the dazzy day care gang. I have known darren for many years he is a lovely caring, fun person to be arround. I booked her place at dazzy day care and darren talked me through all the information with great knowledge. He has excelent comunication skills and made myself and my partner very relaxed. Darrens home is a lovely safe environment with a really nice atmosphere . I wanted niamh to be having fun and getting out and about during the day when she wasnt with me and i feel i have chosen the perfect place for her to be. As my return to work date is getting closer darren has worked out time for niamh to visit so she can get used to things. Im Feeling really positive about leaving her. Will post a review after she has started and let everyone know how it went.