Deceitful and Unreliable
Parents, please AVOID this person. Laura is without principles. She is dishonest and unreliable and left a sick disabled mother without childcare at the last minute without bothering to cancel.
After a phone interview, where Laura seemed responsible and caring, we arranged a trial for ten days later.
Meanwhile we asked for evidence of her DBS check and First Aid certificate, which was not forthcoming. Five days later we chased these up and Laura still couldn’t provide the documents.
Between then and the date of her trial, we heard nothing from Laura. We tried to reconfirm the trial two days beforehand but she didn’t respond. We then tried to call her the following day. She didn’t pick up, but eventually sent a text saying “Still planning on coming down and look forward to meeting you." She also promised to call us that afternoon to confirm. She never did, and subsequently blocked us.
My wife is disabled and very unwell following chemotherapy, so is unable to look after our baby without support. Laura had obviously decided at some point that she’d changed her mind. But, instead of doing the honourable thing and informing us, she kept us strung along.
Laura left us in a distressing vulnerable situation. Fortunately, there are lots of lovely nannies out there but she isn’t one of them. All the best to other parents in finding the right person.