My 29 month old son has been attending mini bugz since January. We are very happy with the care he received while at the nursery.... And my son loves going!
Jo, Faye and all the girls are caring, happy, and informative. They treat every child as an individual and cater for these needs with enthusiasm and pride! They have helped with potty training, healthy eating, the terrible 2's and much much more.
My son comes home after every visit with stories of adventure, songs and more.... But he soon falls asleep, which is a sure sign that he's had lots of fun.
MiniBugz also has an online learning journal for parents to access, which is updated very regularly by staff. It contains my sons mile stones, learning experiences, stories, photographs and much more. As parents We feel that we are fullyinvolved with his nursery life, even though we are not there.
It's a lovely feeling when you know your most prized possession is well cared for. We are now going to put our newborn daughter on the waiting list so she can also have this great pre school experience.