I was apprehensive about sending my clingy 2 year old to nursery, after a few health issues from birth and being a little delayed with speech I knew it would be good for her.
She was extremely upset and unsettled when I left her at first and there were lots of tears but the girls at the nursery dealt with everything amazingly. It wasn't long until she was asking for nursery every day and squealing with excitement when we pulled up to drop her off! Now she runs in without so much as a goodbye!
She has come along in so many ways, her speech is brilliant, she is much more confident and she loves minibugs and all her friends! I love sometimes sneaking a peak as a fly on the wall when she dosent know i am there to pick her up and she is so happy dancing singing and learning with her friends. We will be so sad to leave in July, I only wish she had longer with minibugz!