One in a million
My daughter started going to mini bugz a few hours a week in June 2017 at 6 months old, shes now nearly 2 and a half and goes 1 and a half days a week.
I knew as soon as I found out I was pregnant that there was nowhere else that i wanted my child to go.
My niece and nephew both went to mini bugz so i knew how structured, routined and how amazing the staff were.
I get regular emails from the team with information on annual closures, what they have planned for the month and any special days such as red nose day or fancy dress.
I also get notifications when her tapestry has been updated, its lovely to see photos and updates on how shes developing.
My daughter always gets a home cooked lunch and a healthy snack.
She receives discipline if she misbehaves and praise when shes been good.
I'm really picky who I leave my daughter with but I know 100% that she is in the safest hands when she is there.
I really cant recommend and praise Jo, Faye and the team enough. The work, commitment and emotional support that they all put in is astounding!
With there help she has blossomed into a caring, helpful and intelligent little girl.
I'll be sad when her mini bugz adventure comes to an end.