Will let you down and her own child is aggresive
We hired Bilquies for a long term committed contract, 2 months in she goes on holiday and then just disappears leaving us in the lurch! Subsequently we find out from our children that her daughter is pretty aggressive and Bilquies doesn't reprimand her when she is behaving in a spoilt manner. So in a way it is a blessing in disguise to no longer have her looking after out children.
Response from Bilquies
I want to make an apology to response this after almost three years but honestly i read this yesterday for the first time...
firstly i am very sorry for disappear and didn’t get back to you after i came back from holiday... two things happened to me when i came back from holiday first my husband diagnosed with serious illness which was very shocking to me and it took me while to came out of it and secondly my phone screen was break by this i bearly see anything on screen..?so i was only able to received call if it was ringing in front of me but i couldn’t msg and call people...
Please accept my apology
Now coming to my daughter, when i used to look-after your kids my daughter was only 1 year old toddler... using spoiled and aggressive words are so inappropriate for 1 year old toddler... my daughter was very happy baby, she loves people, she get used to with unfamiliar face in seconds but as she couldnt talk/speak at that time she behave some curtain ways when she was hungry or tired or sleepy or nappy change time like any other toddlers...
Your kids used to enjoy when they were in my care and i am so certain about it as i have talking book where they used to express their feelings by writing on it..