Sapphire is the best.
Sapphire worked full time as nanny to our triplet boys for a year and a half from June 2017 to December 2018. She came to us just as I was returning to work after a year of maternity leave, so she looked after our children from roughly 12 to 30 months of age.
My husband and I could not have been more pleased with a nanny than we were with Sapphire. She was amazingly professional and organised, honest and trustworthy, firm yet patient and compassionate, personable, optimistic, and unflappable. She is the type of person who takes pride in her work and is not afraid of tackling a challenge.
Sapphire’s level of care for the children and general energy for the job were unassailable. She cooked healthy hot meals for the kids every day, would regularly batch cook for me, did nearly all the boys’ laundry, and made sure we came home to a tidy house. She always made time to get the kids outside to play, whether around the farm where we lived, or on an outing to a nearby park or playground. She sleep-trained them to nap reliably in morning and afternoon, which ultimately helped them sleep well through the night. She read to the boys every day, and taught them the alphabet and how to count to ten by the time they were 2. She also had them all using the toilet by the time they were 2 and a half.
As an employee, Sapphire was impeccably reliable. She was ten minutes early for work without fail. When an emergency came up, which I believe happened only once in 18 months, she found me a replacement nanny for the day. When she took time off, she always asked well ahead of time and always helped me find cover.
On a personal level, Sapphire was a joy to have around. My husband and I always felt comfortable to discuss things with her regarding the children. As new parents, we felt really lucky to have her experienced perspective on raising kids, and especially multiples. She was also accommodating when my father-in-law or my mother were in town. The grandparents would sometimes tag along on the kids’ outings which was really fantastic for them. Every one of our friends and family who met her liked her and were impressed.
The only reason Sapphire stopped working for us was because I changed jobs and we had to relocate out of the area. We have had good child-carers since that time, but none who could compare to the quality of care and commitment that Sapphire exemplifies. Long after we parted ways, my children still ask after her and her son, Alfie, who was like a big brother to them.
I would highly recommend Sapphire for any childcare role.