Three hours of Nanny Rosie solved our problems
Nanny Rosie arrived in our lives like a much less saccharine version of Mary Poppins - not flying by umbrella but parachuting herself in at merely hours notice when I rang her in tears. (She'd already made things feel a bit better over the phone).
We'd had a pretty horrific time with breastfeeding, battling recurrent thrush and then an undiagnosed tongue-tie which had resulted in my son going from a sunny little cherub in the first few weeks to a constantly screaming, constantly feeding, unsleeping, unhappy baby by week 8. Shivering with mastitis on top of everything I made the decision to move to bottle feeding overnight, and a friend recommended Nanny Rosie to help me with the transition and any other problems.
I only wish I'd called her in earlier. She is an absolute legend. She baby-whispered our son to calmness within minutes, gave us simple and practical advice on moving to bottle feeding, and comforted a very frazzled pair of parents. She also gave us hundreds of other tips on every aspect of babycare that are going to be useful everyday as our son grows. She's also refreshingly free from baby bullshit - if you've had enough of people pushing the same old impractical, unachievable solutions on you without thought as to whether they work for you or your family, call Nanny Rosie.
I truly believe everyone should get a couple of hours of Nanny Rosie provided through the NHS! It'd be more use than all the health visitor visits put together.
I should also say that she is ultra honest. We initially tried to book her for a few days including overnights as we were at the end of our tether, but as she couldn't make the first overnight due to a previous booking she suggested she come for an afternoon and then see if we needed her for longer. Our little boy was back to his original happy self so quickly we didn't, so she very honestly saved us the money when she could quite easily have just taken the booking and the cash without questioning it.
She's a very warm, kind, funny person, and makes you feel instantly calmer and like all will be ok. Even though our major problems seem to be over and we have a cheery, bottle-guzzling baby, it is so comforting to know Nanny Rosie is only a call or text away. I would recommend her to anyone and would call her again in an instant if we hit any more bumps in the road. Thanks Nanny Rosie!x