part time nanny for 1 year
I have been lucky enough to have flossy19 as my part time nanny for the last year.
As a result of changes to my hours at work we no longer require a nanny, so it is with great sadness we are having to say goodbye to flossy19.
Flossy19 has excelled as a nanny for many reasons:
- She has a wealth of experience and this clearly shows. Her approach is ‘firm but fair’ which results in her being very popular with me, and my 2 girls! (age 2 and 5)
- She is pro active in approach – play doh making, painting, cake baking, regular crafts to name but a few activities! She ensures that activities are age relevant for both of my children and applies careful planning and thought to activities
- Flossy19 is a true multi-tasker, she thinks ahead and has every situation that’s thrown at her already covered!
- Not only has flossy19 been fabulous looking after my children, she has also been a great support to me and regularly goes above and beyond her role as a nanny and has provided ‘mothers help’. She makes a mean macaroni cheese!
If you are looking for a nanny, you really will be hard pushed to find someone better than flossy19.
I am happy to be contacted should you require more detail / have more questions.