child minding review 5 stars
Clare has been a minder for my son Amiel for many years. not really settling at a local creche i decided to look for the alternative. didn't take too long to find Clare who also promoted the local school which at that point i had not decided on. after visiting her home and what she had to offer i wanted to start Amiel off right away! in no time at all Amiel seemed happier and no longer reluctant to be away from me as much. Clare always keeps you informed as to what your childihas been doing and answers any queries and is open to suggestions you may have. i feel Amiel benefited from a stimulating homely environment and one mind the got to understand and know my son. his funny ways, his strengths and weaknesses. i an very fussy about Amiels diet but no need to worry as Clare knows how to cook and offers a varied healthy option every time. the children are encouraged to help prepare the snacks and are meals making it far more interesting and exiting to eat it all up! Clare makes a special effort on birthdays and bakes a cake which is always delicious. have to add herh father also makes delicious healthy pizzas! Clare is up to date with any special requirements you may have and gives good info on charges and possible help from other sources. Amiel is in full time school now so only attends after school which he enjoys.he loves going to the park, picnics in the park, playing with others and making crafts which Clare is good at making exciting and fun! days but are brill, she manages to think up great ideas to suit all the ages, not easy. Amiel is always happy and three when i collect sometimes asking me to leave so he can stay a little longer! a sign of a great minding service.