All Saints VA Primary School and Nursery
Castle Street, Wellingborough, NN8 1LS
All Saints VA Primary School and Nursery is a voluntary aided school school in Wellingborough. According to the latest government data, it has approximately 261 pupils and allows entry for children aged 3-11.
About Us
The school which was built in 1880 has recently undergone substantial refurbishment turning the Victorian environment into a contemporary, appropriate building able to accommodate a well-resourced 21st Century curriculum. The school sits within the Parish of All Saints Church with which there are very strong links.
Our Mission Statement
We all seek the best for our school, moving forward within the love of God so that we can all thrive
Our Vision
Our vision is to create:
Successful learners, who are creative, inspired, focussed, enthusiastic, enquiring and motivated.
Confident individuals, who are reflective, positive, ambitious, happy, resilient and independent.
Responsible citizens,who are caring, helpful, trustworthy, understanding, respectful and tolerant.
Our Childcare Provision
We are extremely proud of our inclusive, inspiring and creative oversubscribed school. We have 30 wonderful children in each of our 7, single year group classes.
We also have a nursery accommodating 52 children aged 3 with their 15 hour entitlement, with 26 children in the morning and the same in the afternoon.
Staff plan jointly and work collaboratively as two year groups on an exciting enquiry based curriculum unique to our school.
The Leadership consists of the Head Teacher, Deputy Head (Non-Teaching), and two Phase Leaders one being based in each Key stage.
Facilities are arranged over three floors. Firstly there is a hall, which provides a focus for assemblies, indoor P.E. and whole school functions. It accommodates the school at lunchtime which sees the whole school sit down and enjoy a mixture of hot meals and packed lunches. There is a kitchen area housed to one side of the hall which produces the hot school meals.
There is a very large well-resourced Nursery and Reception area which have an extensive shared outside learning environment. The rest of the school is spread over the ground floor and first floor with children housed in modern well equipped classrooms.
The top floor houses the library, an additional teaching space called “The Studio”
At the entrance to the school there is the Head Teacher office; Administration office which also houses the School Business Manager; Deputy Heads office and Pastoral Support Leaders office.
The school grounds are a fantastic asset to the school with two playgrounds and relaxing quiet space to name a few aspects. Unfortunately we do not have our own playing field but the school does back onto Castle Fields which provides this space for us.
Pick ups and Drop offs
Usually responds within 15 minutes
My name is Gifty I am Ofsted registered childminder and I live with my husband and three children. We live in a 4 bedroom detached house situated in a quiet road in wellingboro…
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