Comber Primary School

Darragh Road, Comber, BT23 5BX

Comber Primary School is a school in Comber.

Pick ups and Drop offs

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Childminder in Comber

Hi my name is Gillian I am a registered childminder living in Comber. I am registered with South Eastern Health & Social Care Trust and insurance by NICMA. I offer a home from h…

Lisa Gra
Lisa Gra
no reviews
Childminder in Comber

Usually responds within 30 minutes

I’m a fully insured , registered childminder.Live in Comber . I was a nanny for 10 years , then had my children now age 14 and 25 , only the 14yr old lives at home and have been c…

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Childminder in Comber

My name is Ruth, I live in Comber and have been child minding from 2001 . I have two children of my own who are now 29 and 25. We also have a Pug who is like a baby but really go…


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