Cookham Nursery School

Station Hill, Cookham, Maidenhead, SL6 9BT

Cookham Nursery School is a la nursery school school in Maidenhead. According to the latest government data, it has approximately 57 pupils and allows entry for children aged 3-5.

About Us

Cookham Nursery School is Ofsted rated as "Outstanding". Set in the heart of Cookham village, the Nursery provides 3 and 4 year olds with 15 fully funded hours. The Nursery aims to provide an exciting, caring, stimulating learning environment in which all our children feel valued, safe and happy. “Central to the school's success is the staff's ability to ensure that every child has an equal chance to shine and succeed”. Ofsted October 2013

Our Childcare Provision

Cookham Nursery School offers 3 and 4 year olds with 15 fully funded hours through either 5 morning sessions (08:45am - 11:45am, Monday - Friday) or 5 afternoon sessions (12:30 - 3:30pm, Monday - Friday). Early Drop sessions are available from 08:15am - 08:45am. Lunch Club sessions are available from 11:45am - 12:30pm. Limited additional chargeable sessions are also available. For further details please see our website

Pick ups and Drop offs

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Childminder in Maidenhead

Usually responds within 3 hours

My name is Laura and I am a mum of 2- a little girl who is 4 and a little boy who just turned 1. I have a lovely open plan ground floor with a secure garden- perfect for letting o…


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