Rudgwick Primary School

Tates Way, Rudgwick, Horsham, RH12 3HW

Rudgwick Primary School is a community school school in Horsham. According to the latest government data, it has approximately 186 pupils and allows entry for children aged 5-11.

About Us

We are a one form entry school where every child is known as an individual and valued for their own qualities and achievements.
The development of the whole child is highly important to us. We believe that building self-esteem, engaging with real experiences and developing interests such as sports or the arts can assist a child in growing into a responsible citizen and achieving the highest academic standards.
Family is very important to us and we recognise the importance of working closely with parents and carers in order to best support the children in our school.
We are extremely proud of our pupils and all that they achieve, but the best way to find out more is to come and visit, we look forward to welcoming you to our school.
Amie Bowers, Head teacher.

Our Childcare Provision

We run many before and after school activities, including a Breakfast Club enabling parents to drop their child from 8.00am.

Pick ups and Drop offs

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Hey there! I'm Vera, living with my husband, our bubbly 5-year-old daughter. At our cozy home, we create an exciting and safe haven for little ones to explore and grow. We're all…


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