St Willibrord's RC Primary School
Vale Street, Clayton, Manchester, M11 4WR
St Willibrord's RC Primary School is a voluntary aided school school in Manchester. According to the latest government data, it has approximately 256 pupils and allows entry for children aged 3-11.
About Us
St Willibrord’s RC Primary School is situated in the area of Clayton which is in East Manchester. As a Catholic School we are guided by our Mission Statement which encourages us all to grow in God. Each individual is respected and the uniqueness of each person is highly valued.
We aim to achieve this by:
Providing a broad and challenging curriculum enriched with the spiritual truths of our Faith.
Teaching respect for self and others through the Catholic Faith.
Furthering the children’s understanding of their own and other Faiths.
Motivating children and teachers to do their best within a secure learning environment.
Maintaining a high standard of discipline and behaviour in an atmosphere of openness and shared responsibility within the school community.
Valuing a close relationship with parents, the first teachers of our children.
Our Childcare Provision
- Primary School for Nursery to Year Six with a Specialist Provision for children with ASD/SLI needs
- Daily Breakfast Club from 8.15am at 30p per day
- Some after School Clubs (Mon/Tue/Thur) till 4.00pm
Pick ups and Drop offs
Hi my name is Vivian, I am an ofsted registered childminder since 2015. I live in Manchester(Clayton) with my husband and children . I have worked with children both full time and…
Usually responds within 2 days
I am a mother of two been in education for the last 35 years worked in mainstream schools for 25 years, now working in an SEN provision
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