A God Send!
I would highly recommend Angie for childcare as soon as I met Angie I could sense how natural she is at caring and instantly my daughter Iona had a soft spot for Angie.I had no doubts that Iona would ever be bored at Angies,everyday the kids are kept busy by interacting with other children and learning and generally have fun!I was encouraged to see Iona had an excellent time with the other children and was wonderful not to feel guilty leaving Iona as I knew she was in good hands.Overall a lovely homely atmosphere for children to be in,I am very sad to say that as Iona has started nursery she is no longer at Angies,in saying that we cant pass the house without Iona asking for Angie or her husband Les in which it has to be said is also excellent with the children infact Iona had quite a soft spot for him,overall an absolute godsend!getting your children to leave may be another matter!
Response from Angies
Thanks very much for the nice review Anita,
Iona was a wee star to have in my home and Les misses his wee pal.
Think it was like follow the leader when they two were together lol.
Hope she loves the nursery and you can pop in anytime when you are passing, Can't wait to see new baby Xx
Thanks again for the nice words
Angela Xx