St Mary Queen of Martyrs RC Primary School
Nidderdale, Sutton Park, Hull, HU7 4BS
St Mary Queen of Martyrs RC Primary School is an academy converter school in Hull. According to the latest government data, it has approximately 357 pupils and allows entry for children aged 3-11.
About Us
Age: 3-11
Our children are at the heart of what we do at St Mary Queen of Martyrs and their successes are a credit to them, their parents and carers, the staff and our governors. We are a forward thinking, harmonious school with high educational achievement and attainment for all, regardless of abilities. We aim to create a warm, engaging, vibrant learning environment and promote ownership of learning so the children are eager to achieve their true potential.
Discover more about how our children enjoy their learning and their time at SMQOM through our website ( You will be able be able to find blogs on children’s school work, details of events and information on how the school works. We always welcome people into our school and if you require information that is not on our website please contact the school office and we will be happy to assist you.
Our Christian values of kindness, caring, forgiveness, compassion and co-operation support the spiritual and moral developments of our children and wider community, as we grow and learn together knowing that Jesus loves us all because we are special and unique. We have a sense of worth knowing that we are contributing towards something warm and special in SMQOM. All children take a pride in our mission statement which fully describes our expectations and the understanding that Jesus loves us always, through good and bad days. We aim to create and foster a genuine love for learning so our children can develop their knowledge and understanding, thinking skills, self-confidence and social and emotional skills.
Our Childcare Provision
Part-time places available from the term after the child turns 3, this is for 5 x 3 hour sessions per week, although parents may be able to top-up these hours, if available, at an addition cost.
School age (full-time place) from the September after the child turns 4 until 11.
Pick ups and Drop offs
Usually responds within 3 days
Hello, we are Kim & Rebecca a mother and daughter team.
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